New frequency for Echolink node
For some reasons it was necessary to change the frequency of the Tetra Echolink node. As of today the node can be reached via 430.9250 MHz. All other parameters have…
For some reasons it was necessary to change the frequency of the Tetra Echolink node. As of today the node can be reached via 430.9250 MHz. All other parameters have…
After the node had been switched off yesterday, everything is back to normal again today. Issues arose yesterday while swapping node transceivers. Already some time ago a Motorola MTM800E had…
Due to a change in the setup the Echolink <> Tetra node PE2KMV-L is temporary not available. There are some minor issues with the audio line from the interface into…
For a friend of mine, also HAM, I wanted to build a turnkey Echolink node. The necessary hardware was a matter of combining a few ideas, collecting parts and one…
After weeks of collecting parts and one Sunday of soldering, drilling and sawing it was ready to go: the echolink interface. The device has been built with the PH0DV interface…
The first step of the Tetra / Echolink project has been successfully completed. At 433.6500 MHz the node is available to accept connections via Tetra. Following the PH0DV example a…
Some time ago the block diagram above was the result of an hour thinking and scribbling. Aim is to create an Echolink node via Tetra. In fact it’s not a…