Hoe kunnen we helpen?

The downloadable modification by DL4FLY is based on a version 15a PCB. A revision of this PCB can also be found in a regular Birdy WP charging cradle: version 16a. The layout of the v. 16a PCB has slightly changed but can still be modified like in the downloadable description.

To modify the PCB connect both yellow marked pads (TXD), the blue marked pads (RXD) and the red marked pads (PROG). By having the RJ45 cable to the FTDI-board wired up like described in the PDF (= PROG connected to ground) the cradle behaves like a normal charger until you plug in the programming lead to the RJ45 socket. That will kick the pager into programming mode.

Important side node: remember to have the pager switched on, otherwise it won’t respond to the programmer!

Original v. 16a PCB
Modification for v.16a PCB

The picture below shows the programming pinout of the Birdy WP cradle
