Yaesu FT-1000mp
The flagship of the shack is the Yaesu FT-1000mp. This radio has been added to the collection in 2017 and it has replaced the Icom IC-706mk2G. As the antenna situation is far from ideal the internal tuner has its difficulties tuning a piece of wire. For that reason the small MFJ-971 tuner has now been taken out of storage. Furthermore I could get hold of a David Clark H10-30 with a Heil element. A cheap foot switch acting as PTT completes the setup.
Motorola GM300
For some local simplex and repeater traffic a Motorola GM300 VHF is still in use. The radio is mounted on a base stand, the integrated front speaker provides a crisp audio and the radio is equipped with a Motorola desk microphone. The GM300 has a tweaked codeplug with up to 40 channels instead of the original 16. Batlabs provides an excellent explanation how to do this.
Motorola MTM5400
The Echolink node is made of a Raspberry Pi 1B running Raspbian and SVXLink. Via a home built interface the Raspberry is connected to a Motorola MTM5400 tetra radio mounted in a desk stand with integrated power supply. The 5400 can be used simultaneously in repeater mode and with local audio. Nevertheless there aren’t many radio amateurs nearby interested in tetra. The QRG shown at the picture is not the regular Echolink QRG: currently this has been set to 430.9250 MHz. As a side note: all tetra equipment has been programmed with ‘clear’ firmware so it’s impossible to use it at the governmental network C2000.
De Echolink-node bestaat uit een Raspberry Pi waarop onder Raspbian SVXLink draait. Dit geheel is verbonden met een Motorola MTM800e tetra mobilofoon in een basisconsole met ingebouwde voeding. Uiteraard kan de mobilofoon ook als gebruikelijk met microfoon en luidspreker gebruikt worden, al zijn er maar bedroevend weinig amateurs die interesse in tetra hebben. De QRG op de foto is overigens niet de reguliere Echolink-QRG: deze staat momenteel op 430.9250 MHz. Wellicht ten overvloede: alle gebruikte tetra-apparatuur is voorzien van ‘clear’ firmware, waardoor deze nimmer te gebruiken is op het C2000-netwerk.