The first step of the Tetra / Echolink project has been successfully completed. At 433.6500 MHz the node is available to accept connections via Tetra. Following the  PH0DV example a connection between a Tetra transceiver and the Echolink network has been established. The transceiver is a Motorola MTM800 with remote control head. Also the base part of the transceiver has a ‘head’ with a RS232 connection to access the PEI interface. Usage of PEI is a next step in the project.

Currently the node PE2KMV-L (node number 874312) is running on a Raspberry Pi with ‘TheLinkBox’. As expected from Linux applications this is a very stable configuration. And with the step by step plan by PH0DV it’s easy to create. The only disadvantage of Tetra in combination with Echolink is that it’s not possible to switch nodes. The Echolink application ‘listens’ to DTMF, and those tones can’t be sent via Tetra. In nearby future I’ll attempt to bypass this by the use of ‘SDS’.

Vooralsnog is de node PE2KMV-L (node nummer 874312) in de lucht op een Raspberry Pi waarop ‘TheLinkBox’ draait. Zoals van Linux en Linux-applicaties verwacht kan worden, is dit hartstikke stabiel. En met de stap-voor-stap handleiding van PH0DV hartstikke gemakkelijk te realiseren. Het enige nadeel van Tetra in combinatie met Echolink is dat schakelen naar andere nodes niet mogelijk is. De nodesoftware ‘luistert’ allemaal naar DTMF, en die toontjes kunnen niet zomaar via Tetra verzonden worden. Dit ga ik in de toekomst proberen te ondervangen door het gebruik van ‘SDS’.

To connect via my Tetra node, some parameters have to be programmed in your radio via the Motorola CPS:

  • Frequentie: 433.6500 MHz
  • Mode: DMO
  • ID: 1000
  • MCC: 204
  • MNC: 7373

The map below shows some very optimistic coverage. Nevertheless it’s possible to connect to the node using a base / mobile radio and roof antenna.